in Germany
There exists
conditions for amateur astromomy in Algeria and Germany.
A problem is the bad Weather in Germany. Only one of 5 days we have
sunshine. 4 Days
have clouds.
Maybe thats the reason because so many astronomers in Germany are
theoretical astronomers.
A second problem is the massive Lightpolution in Germany: The reason is
the high density of
In Germany lives more than 200 Persons on every square-kilometer, In
Algeria it´s only 19.
I´m living in south Germany and the Alps are not so far away.
Here 2 typical nights showing the conditions in the mountains:
Because the lightpolution the german
amateurs often use their hollidays for astronomy
Popular are the Canary-islands. On La Palma are some of the
biggest telecopes of the world.
Popular is also the old German Colony Namibia. It is a Desert Country
with a very dark sky.
Maybe Algeria could be also interresting. The Madna-Crater is in the
In Germany we have also 2 Meteor-Craters. They are much bigger. The
Nördlinger Ries has 15km diameter.
Germany has not only astronomical
disadvantages, - there are also astronomical advantages!
example many astronomical clubs.
The astronomical clubs are the owners of the ´Public
Observatorys´. We have more than 200 in Germany:
The idea to
to bring the
Astronomy to the public
by a ´Public observatory´ is born in
Germany at the 19th century.
The oldest Public Observatoy from 1898 is in Berlin:
I´m also member of an astronomical
It´s founded after the war 1947 in Munich. It´s one
of the
clubs with 600 members and several telescopes in the city of Munich.
Because the bad weather the astronomical clubs has also a social
function. Every saturday is BBQ.
Special Partys are at Chrismas or at New-Year.
Most astronomical clubs are organized in the `VDS´ with
approximately 5000 members.
The VDS offers Information-Material about astronomy and organizes
Here you can see the logos of the 19 groups:
Most groups have their own publications:
Also we have a VDS-Journal for the complete club:
It exists also VDS-Caps and teapots:
Also the VDS
has 4 embassadors
to get new members
One of the ebassadors is me:
If you like to become a new member please contact me